When we open sale order or quote entry forms in Order Management error appears and form doesn't open. Error screen shot displayed is also uploaded.
Temporary Solution: Run adautocfg scripts at database node or bounce the server.
Permanent Solution:
Open Sales Order Screen Generates Error ORA-06508 PL/SQL Could Not Find Program Unit Being Called (Doc ID 841870.1)
The problem is due to shared memory reasons.
The memory can be checked through bde_chk_cbo.sql script, or it can also be checked by following query.
select * from v$parameter
where name like 'shared_pool%'
Then increase by changes in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<SID>.ora.
Changes can be make according to Oracle Document Section 9 (Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 396009.1))
You have to bounce the database after changes in init<SID>.ora file.
Error screenshot
Thanks a lot.It was very helpful