Also bounce the server after that, sometimes after running Autoconfig even its displays message Unable to authenticate session or unavailable.
Thursday, 26 December 2013
How to change port in Oracle Apps R12
REP-1401: 'cf_nameformula0007': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
Return data type of formula column is a Number and you
are returning character data type
If both are of same data type then length of
characters returning are exceeding from the declared variable in formula column
or formula column itself.
Make sure data types are same and length is enough.
REP-1259 group has no break columns
You will have to keep at least one database column in group.
I think in the group you are setting BREAK ORDER for formula column is not
having any database column. Or it is having then try to make Break Order
Ascending for any database field in that group.
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
ORA-06508: PL/SQL could not find program unit being called in Package ONT_HEADER_Def_Hdlr procedure Default_Record
When we open sale order or quote entry forms in Order Management error appears and form doesn't open. Error screen shot displayed is also uploaded.
Temporary Solution: Run adautocfg scripts at database node or bounce the server.
Permanent Solution:
Open Sales Order Screen Generates Error ORA-06508 PL/SQL Could Not Find Program Unit Being Called (Doc ID 841870.1)
The problem is due to shared memory reasons.
The memory can be checked through bde_chk_cbo.sql script, or it can also be checked by following query.
select * from v$parameter
where name like 'shared_pool%'
Then increase by changes in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<SID>.ora.
Changes can be make according to Oracle Document Section 9 (Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 396009.1))
You have to bounce the database after changes in init<SID>.ora file.
Error screenshot
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Auto invoice import program: Unable to derive gl date for your transaction
Lets take an example to understand this issue.
The orders booked and shipped in OCT and return were made in NOV and OCT period was closed.
This is happening because of the GL date which is derived by Autoinvoice. As per the Autoinvoice interface data and the Autoinvoice setup, the GL date of the AR transaction to be created for the sales return order derived as "31-Aug-2012". However, the "Aug-2012" period is closed. As a result, the Autoinvoice is not able to create the AR transaction. The same thing is happening for the sales return order.
Update the transaction gl date in the ar interface lines form manually in current open period and run Autoinvoice.
Permanent Solution:
This requires a little change in your current setup to avoid this problem in future.
1) Switch to the "Receivables Manager" responsibility.
2) Navigate to "Setup : Transactions : Sources".
3) Query with the required source :
4) Go to the "Autoinvoice Options" tab.
5) Set the "GL Date in a Closed Period" option to "Adjust".
6) Save the change.
7) Now check the issue.
Adjust will automatically adjust the General Ledger date to the first GL date of the next Open or Future enterable period.
2) Navigate to "Setup : Transactions : Sources".
3) Query with the required source :
4) Go to the "Autoinvoice Options" tab.
5) Set the "GL Date in a Closed Period" option to "Adjust".
6) Save the change.
7) Now check the issue.
Adjust will automatically adjust the General Ledger date to the first GL date of the next Open or Future enterable period.
For more information kindly review
Oracle® Receivables User Guide
Adjusting General Ledger Dates
Moreover, Doc ID 1080995.1 : Troubleshooting AutoAccounting in AutoInvoice is also very useful.
Adjusting General Ledger Dates
Moreover, Doc ID 1080995.1 : Troubleshooting AutoAccounting in AutoInvoice is also very useful.
Monday, 16 December 2013
How to create Custom Top in R12
1) Make the directory structure for your custom application
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/admin
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/admin/sql
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/admin/odf
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/sql
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/bin
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/reports
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/reports/US
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/forms
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/forms/US
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/lib
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/out
mkdir CUSTAPP/12.0.0/log
2) Make the changes in context file in application tier
cd ../oracle/inst/apps/VIS_vision/appl/admin/VIS_vision.xml
<CUSTAPP_TOP oa_var="s_custapptop"
3) Run the
4) Create the table spaces as under from system user
create tablespace CUSTAPP datafile '/opt/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/custapp01.dbf'
size 500M;
create tablespace CUSTAPP datafile
'/data/oracle/db/apps_st/data/custapp.dbf' size 500M;
create user CUSTAPP identified by CUSTAPP default tablespace
CUSTAPP temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on CUSTAPP;
grant connect, resource to CUSTAPP;
grant create session to CUSTAPP;
grant DBA to CUSTAPP;
Login to Applications with System Administrator
Navigate to Application-->Register
Navigate to Security-->Oracle-->Data Group
You have to bounce the middle tier services after this.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
How to personalize a LOV
Suppose we have to restrict some values in Sub inventory LOV on Miscellaneous Transactions form in inventory.
SELECT secondary_inventory_name, description, quantity_tracked,
asset_inventory, locator_type, material_account
FROM mtl_item_sub_val_v
WHERE --your conditions according to business scenarios
AND organization_id = :MTL_TRX_LINE.ORGANIZATION_ID --fields passing from form
AND inventory_item_id = :mtl_trx_line.inventory_item_id --fields passing from form
The interesting part is that when we open the LOV of sub inventory only sub inventory and its description is shown, but in query we have to select various columns too. So whenever we have to change any LOV we have to open that particular form through Oracle Forms Developer and on filed we have to check its LOV and from LOV we have to track its Record Group. In record group query we came to know that 6 columns have to be selected if we want to personalize this. Screen Shots are uploaded below.
SELECT secondary_inventory_name, description, quantity_tracked,
asset_inventory, locator_type, material_account
FROM mtl_item_sub_val_v
WHERE --your conditions according to business scenarios
AND organization_id = :MTL_TRX_LINE.ORGANIZATION_ID --fields passing from form
AND inventory_item_id = :mtl_trx_line.inventory_item_id --fields passing from form
The interesting part is that when we open the LOV of sub inventory only sub inventory and its description is shown, but in query we have to select various columns too. So whenever we have to change any LOV we have to open that particular form through Oracle Forms Developer and on filed we have to check its LOV and from LOV we have to track its Record Group. In record group query we came to know that 6 columns have to be selected if we want to personalize this. Screen Shots are uploaded below.
Moreover, below mentioned might also be helpful
How To Customize a LOV using Form Personalization ? (Doc ID 726324.1)
How to call a procedure through form personalization
In above statement only single quotes are used i.e (')
The above used can be get through Insert 'Get' Expression as per below screen shot.
By pressing ok button we can get the generated statement.
The procedure example is also mentioned under the screen shot.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE APPS.CUST_ORDER_DFF( p_order_header Number, p_order_line Number,p_order_type Number, p_cust_id Number, p_dff varchar2 )
--Do your work here
How to view Report Output in browser
After installation if we ran any report its output can be viewed in default viewer. Certain profile options are required to view the output in browser which are as under:
Profile Option Name Site
- Viewer: Application for HTML Browser
- Viewer: Application for PCL Printer Control Language
- Viewer: Application for PDF Browser
- Viewer: Application for PostScript Browser
- Viewer: Application for Text Browser
- Viewer: Application for XML Browser
- Viewer: Default Font Size 8
- Viewer: Text Browser
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