Monday, 30 June 2014

How to run concurrent program in procedure/ trigger

req_id NUMBER;

RESULT := APPS.fnd_request.set_mode (TRUE);
                req_id := APPS.FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST('FND',
--this is sample to run the active users standard report having no parameter, you can explore the parameters by reviewing the FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT body. 

Error while ruuning OAF Hello World OAException: Message Name: SECURITY_APPL_SERVER_ID

Solution: This may occur due to the dbc file no correctly being parsed. Replace the dbc file from application server into jdeveloper required path.

Server Path: /opt/oracle/inst/apps/<SID>_<apps_node>/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure/<SID>.dbc
Jdeveloper Path: D:\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure