Brief Introduction to Custom Library: The CUSTOM.pll library is a standard Oracle Forms PL/SQL library that is supplied by Oracle with the Oracle Applications. This is Oracle’s built-in feature that allows the customer to enhance the standard functionality of the Applications by implementing site-specific business rules. Every Oracle Forms -based eBusiness screen, and any custom form developed using the Oracle Application development standards, will access the CUSTOM library. This makes an ideal point of creating business rules that effect the entire organization. This is the only method of forms enhancement whose functionality is supported by Oracle World Wide Support. Although any enhancements coded by the customer are not directly supported by Oracle World Wide Support.
To run a report we have to make changes in CUSTOM.pll
library which resides in $AU_TOP resource folder. To make customizations in CUSTOM.pll we have to open the CUSTOM.pll in form builder.
Then to make code enable for ZOOM button is to be written in
CUSTOM.pll to write the code library is to be opened in Forms builder.
After compiling the library place it on the server and
compile it again with the following code
Source the environment variable.
module=/opt/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/resource/CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/apps
module_type=library compile_all=special
Note: You have to re login to see the changes.
Code to Run the
Concurrent Program:
To run the reports we will have to write the code in event
procedure of CUSTOM.pll the code is as following:
procedure event(event_name varchar2) is
varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form');
block_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block');
lv_param_p1 varchar2(30);
lv_param_p2 varchar2(30);
request_id NUMBER;
timer_id timer;
parm_request_id number;
progress_no number;
v_layout boolean;
l_wait boolean;
x_Phase Varchar2(100);
x_Status Varchar2(100);
x_Dev_Phase Varchar2(100);
x_Dev_Status Varchar2(100);
x_Message Varchar2(100);
if (event_name = 'ZOOM') then
if (form_name = 'ARXTWMAI' and block_name = 'TGW_HEADER') THEN
lv_param_p1 := name_in('tgw_header.TRX_NUMBER_MIR'); --- This is the parameter that is from
standard form into the report parameter
v_layout :=FND_REQUEST.add_layout('AR','USA_AR_INVOICE_VOUCHER','en','US','PDF',NULL); -- This is to set the
request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('AR','USA_AR_INVOICE_VOUCHER','Cust Export Sale Voucher',SYSDATE,FALSE,'','','',lv_param_p1,lv_param_p1,'','','','',''); --- This will submit the
concurrent request to execute the report. Parameters in sequence to execute the report.
COMMIT; --- commit must be used when
ever a concurrent parogram is run customized
If request_id Is Null Or
request_id = 0 Then
End If;
fnd_message.set_string('Request Submitted :' ||
request_id ||'. Please Wait ..... ');;
l_wait := Fnd_Concurrent.Wait_For_Request(request_id,1,0,x_Phase,x_Status,x_Dev_Phase,x_Dev_Status,x_Message);
If x_Dev_Phase = 'COMPLETE' THEN --- And x_Dev_Status =
Editor_Pkg.Report(request_id,'Y'); --- This resides in FNDCON.pll library you will have to add this library to CUSTIOM.pll so the compile the library
otherwise it will not compile. Shown in figure at the end.
Fnd_File.Put_Line(1,Rpad('x_phase',20,' ') || '=' || x_Phase);
Fnd_File.Put_Line(1,Rpad('x_status=',20,' ') || '=' || x_Status);
Fnd_File.Put_Line(1,Rpad('x_dev_phase=',20,' ') || '=' || x_Dev_Phase);
Fnd_File.Put_Line(1,Rpad('x_dev_status=',20,' ') || '=' || x_Dev_Status);
Fnd_File.Put_Line(1,Rpad('x_message=',20,' ') || '=' || x_Message);
Fnd_File.Put_Line(1,'Warning : Starting print report failure!
It did not running in 120 seconds, its request_id is ' ||
To_Char(request_id) || ' please check it.');
End If;
end if;
end if;
end event;
This will execute your required report but report will be complete in warning and report must be added to that request group.
Press Yes in above figure.